General terms of operating online store is managed by Proizvodnja keramike shrusko, Nina Mrđenović s.p. The sole proprietor is seated at Volčja Jama 6, 8360 Žužemberk, Slovenia. Tax number 64123383, registration number 7151977000. Our company is not liable to value added taxation, so the tax is not calculated. The general terms determine the functioning of the online store and the rights and obligations of the user and provider. At the time of the order, the user/buyer is warned each time about the general terms of business and confirms his/her familiarity with them by placing the order.

Company information:

  • Full name: Proizvodnja keramike Shrusko, Nina Mrđenović s.p.
  • Street address: Volčja Jama 6, 8360 Žužemberk, Slovenia.
  • VAT number: 64123383 (company is not liable to value added taxation)
  • Registration number: 7151977000
  • E-mail:
  • Phone number: (+386) 031 282 247
  • IBAN bank account: SI56 6100 0001 8693 314, BIC/SWIFT: HDELSI22
  • Registration authority: AJPES Novo mesto. Date of registration: 1. 10. 2016


The provider respects existing consumer protection legislation. The provider is making every effort to fulfil their duty to establish an effective complaint handling system. A complaint is to be submitted via email ( or in writing to the address of the provider shown on the provider’s web page. The complaint processing procedure is confidential. Therefore, the provider will work to the best of their ability to resolve any dispute by mutual agreement or out-of-court settlement.


In accordance with the statutory arrangement resulting from the Out-of-court Resolution of Consumer Disputes Act, Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Online Dispute Resolution for consumer disputes (Regulation on consumer ODR), and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2016/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC, Proizvodnja keramike shrusko, Nina Mrđenović s.p., does not recognize any performer of out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes as competent to resolve a consumer dispute which the consumer could have initiated in accordance with the Out-of-Court Resolution of Consumer Disputes Act. A link to the online dispute resolution platform for consumer disputes is as follows:


For the delivery, the customer selects his/her address or enters a different address. The customer chooses the delivery method. Any remarks to the online store administrator can be entered in the “notes” box. The delivery of on-line store products is carried out by Pošta Slovenije d.o.o., or another delivery service provider, as contracted by Proizvodnja keramike shrusko, Nina Mrđenović s.p.

The delivery service provider reserves the right to verify, in an appropriate way, the identity of the recipient (access to personal or other documents), as this ensures that the ordered goods are handed over to the right customer.

Delivery prices for Slovenia

For all purchases above the value of € 70,00, delivery is free of charge if the delivery address is in Slovenia.
For all domestic purchases up to the value of € 70,00, the delivery cost depends of the weight:

  • Up to 100 g: 2,40 €
  • From 100 g to 700 g:  3,40 €
  • From 700 g up: 4,40 €

Delivery prices for European Union:

For all purchases with destination within European Union, the delivery costs depend of the weight:

  • Up to 1000 g: 9,40 €
  • From 1000 g to 1500 g: 13,40 €
  • From 1501 g to 2000 g: 18,40 €
  • From 2001 g and above: 29,40 €

Delivery prices worldwide:

For all purchases regardless of their value, the delivery costs depend of the weight:

  • Up to 1000 g: 15,00 €
  • From 1001 g to 4000 g: 50 €
  • From 4001 g and above: 100,00 €

PAYMENT – Slovenia and outside

Payment is made in one of the following ways: payment by a pro forma invoice or Pay Pal online system. Payment through PayPal system is also possible for credit card owners without PayPal account.


Shrusko gift cards are payment option, available only in the online store. The amounts are fixed – 20€, 50€, 70€ and 100€. Gift cards are available in digital and paper form, which is sent after payment to chosen street or e-mail address. Gift cards are valid until expiration date which is written on the card. The gift card code is a unique code on the card, which is entered in the online store during check-out. The total amount of the order is then automatically corrected. Gift card amount can not be returned in cash or other form. Gift cards can be transferred from one person to another. Gift cards can be used for custom orders.


The consumer has the right to withdraw from a distance contract, i.e. from an online purchase, within 14 days without giving any reason.

The withdrawal period shall expire 14 days from the date on which the consumer acquires physical possession of the goods or a third party acquires this in place of the consumer, the third party being any other party than the carrier and designated by the consumer for this purpose. In the case of partial deliveries of pieces of goods from one contract, the period shall be 14 days from the date when the consumer acquires physical possession of the last piece of goods or a third party acquires this in place of the consumer, the third party being any other party than the carrier and designated by the consumer for this purpose. In order to exercise the right to withdraw, the consumer must, with an unambiguous statement, inform the company Proizvodnja keramike shrusko, Nina Mrđenović s.p., Volčja Jama 6, 8360 Žužemberk of their decision to withdraw from this contract (e.g. by letter sent by post or e-mail). Irrespective of the form of cancellation, the consumer must provide the company with a copy of the invoice. In order to take account of the deadline for withdrawing from the contract, it is sufficient that a notice regarding the exercise of the consumer’s right to withdraw from the contract is sent before the expiry of the withdrawal period from this contract.


If the consumer withdraws from this contract, the company shall, without undue delay, and in any case, reimburse any payments received, including delivery charges, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the notice of withdrawal from this contract (excluding the cost incurred when selecting the type of delivery that is not the cheapest standard delivery form offered by the company). Such reimbursement shall be carried out by the company with the same payment instrument as used in the execution of the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise; in any case, the consumer does not bear any costs due to this reimbursement. The company may withhold payment until it receives the returned goods or until the consumer sends evidence that the goods have been sent back, depending on which event occurs earlier. The consumer should return or deliver the goods to the company which delivered them to the consumer without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the day when the consumer informed the company of his/her withdrawal from the contract. The deadline shall be taken into account if the consumer sends the goods back before the expiry of the 14-day period.

TERMS OF RETURN OF GOODS (restrictions on the exercise of the right of withdrawal)

The direct costs of returning goods are borne by the consumer.

The consumer is only responsible for the reduced value of the goods in cases of handling of the goods in ways which are not strictly necessary for determining their nature, characteristics and operation. Returned products must be unused, undamaged and in their original packaging.

The possibility of return does not apply

  • For quickly perishable goods or those with an expired use-by-date (at the time of the return);
  • For sealed goods which are not suitable for repayment, for reasons of protecting health or hygiene, if the consumer has opened the seal after delivery.


Determination of the defect. A defect is confirmed if:

  • The product does not have the characteristics necessary for normal use;
  • The product does not have the characteristics necessary for the particular use for which the buyer purchased it, and which the seller knew or should have known;
  • The product does not have the characteristics or qualities that were explicitly or silently agreed upon or prescribed;
  • The provider has delivered a product that does not match the sample or model, unless the sample or model was shown only for illustrative purposes.

Product suitability check

The suitability of the product for normal use shall be assessed against normal goods of the same type and subject to any seller’s declaration of the characteristics of the goods provided by the seller or the manufacturer, in particular by advertising, presentation of the product or indications on the goods.

Exercising one’s rights in the case of a defect
The buyer must inform the provider of any defect within the statutory deadline, at the buyer’s expense. The notice must contain a precise description of the defect. The buyer must allow the provider to inspect the product.

The rights to be exercised in cases of a defect are defined in more detail by the Consumer Protection Act.


The prices that are valid at the time of order confirmation apply for the purchase. Prices do not include VAT, as we are not liable for VAT taxation. Prices can change without prior notice. Prices are valid only for purchases at on-line store and may differ from regular prices. We reserve the right to change technical descriptions and configurations without prior notice. Images can only be symbolic and do not always reflect the actual situation as a whole.


The contract concluded between the customer and the seller is archived at the address Proizvodnja keramike shrusko, Nina Mrđenović s.p., Volčja Jama 6, 8360 Žužemberk, Slovenia. The buyer can obtain a copy of the contract with an e-mail request at:


With your personal data is secure against third parties and will only be used for services provided by Proizvodnja keramike shrusko, Nina Mrđenović s.p.


Actions are valid within their duration or until stocks are sold out during that period.


Two sets of cookies are used to improve the user experience at the web site. The first are indispensable for the operation of the website, as without them it is not possible to provide services (such as identification of each browsing session). The second set of cookies is designed to improve the functioning of the website. These include basic web analysis, which does not store personal data, as data is collected in an anonymous form. You can decide for yourself whether you want to enable the use of cookies. You can control and modify cookie settings in your web browser.


The general terms of on-line store are in compliance with the Obligation Code of the Republic of Slovenia, the Consumer Protection Act (ZVOP-1), the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce recommendations and the international codes for e-business.

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